2nd Science2Society-Workshop: Kick-off of S2S-pilots

November, 2016

After the 1st workshop in May 2016 in Graz, Austria, the consortium held its 2nd face-to-face-meeting in Darmstadt, Germany.
The workpackage leaders showed the first results achieved, among them the Science2Society Online Knowledge Database. Once ready it will contains an appealing collection of:

  • science-industry innovation schemes
  • Open Innovation (OI) and Open Science (OS) tools
  • science-industry interfacing experiences by internal and external experts

The purpose of this knowledge database is to use it as a methodological toolbox for developing and enhancing the innovation schemes piloted in the Science2Society-project. Additionally, it will be used to publish it in a logical and attractive way for diverse target audiences that might be interested in it (e.g. practical guidelines to identify and analyse innovation models or for the informed selection of tools that are of potential help in OI and OS collaboration).
Another focus of the meeting was on the 7 pilots, the core of the S2S-project, which were presented by the pilot leaders.

Pilot 1 whose innovation concept is co-creation, is currently the most advanced. Led by IPEK (Institute of Product Engineering, Karlsruhe Institute for Technology, KIT) it combines systematically the creative potential of students in mechanical engineering with the strong product development process of industrial companies. For doing so product development for companies becomes part of the students’ curriculum of universities in order to develop highly relevant products with a big innovation potential.
The implementation of this pilot that focuses on the collaboration of virtual teams in product development is called ProVIL (Product development with future users in a Virtual Idea-Laboratory). A short video on ProVIL can be found (here) .
The next live-meeting will take place by the end of February 2017 in Barcelona including an Exploitation Strategy Seminar (ESS). This brainstorming seminar aims to identify the risks and potential obstacles for exploitation of the S2S-project results and analyse how to address them.