To innovate together with others has several benefits (see e.g. also here):
- More novel results will be achieved in comparison to Closed Innovation (increased innovation levels, respectively more radical innovations)
- Problems in the economy, society and public administration will become more effective and individually solved (higher appropriateness in new solutions)
- New, until now hidden problematic situations and their basis for innovation will be made visible (needs-based Programming from innovation activities and agenda setting)
- New solutions will be more widely accepted by the market and society (less risk against failure, higher innovations acceptance)
- Companies ability to build sectors and value added networks will be increased (resilience support in the radical changes)
- The approachability including the diversity of the innovation systems will be strengthened (higher participation of women and minorities, e.g. crowd sourcing processes)
Innovations will be developed in many cases faster and cheaper (more knowledge transfer, higher efficiency from innovations processes)