Expert Talk at Borealis Polyolefine in Austria

Aldo Ofenheimer giving a short introduction to Science2Society (© i2m GmbH 2018)
October, 2018

On the 24th of October 2018 Markus Schopf - open innovation manager of Borealis Polyolefine (Linz, Austria), a 6 billion multinational - jointly invited with partners from the S2S-project (i2m, IfM-ECS) organisations of different size and from various sectors to exchange ideas on the topic “Shift to services in technology-intensive organisations – how to scale?!”. Eight companies from energy providers and industrials equipment production to automotive and infrastructure planners joint the invitation to this evening event focussing on Scince2Society pilot 6 – “Knowledge Transfer”.

Duncan Hurlstone gave a kick-off presentation on the theme of “Understanding Ecosystems and Uncaptured Value Opportunities” after which an intensive discussion started focusing on trends like

  • competitions shifts from market to the business ecosystem
  • the innovation of the business models as an imperative to the shift to services

The talks were followed by a dinner at which the exchange of views and experiences continued but also keen interest in other outcomes of the Science2Society pilots was shown.

Borealis Polyolefine (Linz, Austria)