Leveraging results: Exploitation Strategy Seminar for Science2Society

February, 2017

In the S2S workshop in Madrid (27th Feb.-1st March 2017) the consortium benefited of an Exploitation Strategy Seminar . This seminar is a service of ESIC (Exploitation Strategy and Innovation Consultants), an initiative of the European Commission’s DG Research and Innovation. Often, non‑technological risks prevent research results from making it to the market. Therefore the EU offers such seminars with the goal to address non technological exploitation issues and to enhance the positive impact of projects in terms of exploitation and innovation through tailored assistance to H2020 projects. In order to bridge the gap between research results and exploitation, this brainstorming seminar aimed to recognise exploitable results and exploitation expectations of the partners as well as to identify the risks and potential obstacles for exploitation and to analyse how to address them. Another objective was to identify non-technical factors (knowledge of the market, skills to handle IPR issues, financial issues, regulatory environment etc.) which could cause risks and potential obstacles that the future results of the project would remain unexploited. On the basis of a project risk analysis, the project partners worked together with a consultant to identify exploitable project results

  • project partners that will invest time and effort in each result
  • intentions of each partner with regard to the dissemination and use of all results
  • conflicts of interest and weaknesses in the exploitation plan.

This brainstorming leaded into a discussion among the partners about possible remedies, precautions or actions. By defining or clarifying the exploitation strategy of the different project results the consultant designs with the partners a roadmap toward exploitation (action plan and recommendations, Plan for Use and Dissemination of Foreground).