Collaborative definition of strategies in common research areas

Joint analysis and definition of strategies in common research areas between industry and universities
Joint analysis and definition of strategies in common research areas between industry and universities
Objective of approach: 

Joint definition of strategies in common research areas between the university and the company

The university (a research team in a specific topic or administrative staff from the PMO) and the company (through its co-located team at the university) jointly develop the strategy to follow to conduct research in a specific topic or area. Both teams also collaborate to identify opportunities for collaboration in projects funded at a local, national and European level and write proposals together.


Developing a joint strategy between the university and the company in specific topics or research areas allows for increased efficiency in the relationship and the research results.

  • University staff (professors and students in a specific area)
  • Company staff (co-located team at the University)
Success factors: 
  • IP issues need to be addressed through a research agreement
  • Identifying common interests might not be trivial
  • Identifying the correct person leading a certain topic or research area might not be trivial, especially in large organizations
Contact information: 

CA Technologies Development Spain, SAU WTC Almeda Park Placa de la Pau, s/n - Building 2 - Floor 4, 08940 Cornellà de Llobregat (Barcelona), Spain, Dorica Munell
