Innoget is the global open innovation network for innovative companies, scientists, Startups and experts. Innoget offers a simple and secure opportunity to make trustworthy contacts, initiate projects and to share knowledge about technologies as well as in disciplines like biosciences, chemistry, engineering and IT - with guaranteed protection of Intellectual Property and confidentiality.

The Innoget user community consists of thousands of specialists in their fields who benefits from free access to both technology calls and Technology Offers published by internationally active organizations from the scientific community and the business world.

Business Case (short): 

Given a free access to the Innoget Open Science and Innovation network, users can directly post technology calls and technology offers, respond to other member's postings and generate connections and collaboration opportunities online.

Process description: 

1. Idea generation, collection and evaluation (including getting information from previous research, patents, etc.).

2. Go to market.

3. Build your Innovation trusted network (peer-tp-peer engagement).

Requirements to implement in an organization: 


Technology & integration: 

Web based platform.
