Joint definition of strategies in common research areas between the university and the company
The university (a research team in a specific topic or administrative staff from the PMO) and the company (through its co-located team at the university) jointly develop the strategy to follow to conduct research in a specific topic or area. Both teams also collaborate to identify opportunities for collaboration in projects funded at a local, national and European level and write proposals together.
Developing a joint strategy between the university and the company in specific topics or research areas allows for increased efficiency in the relationship and the research results.
- University staff (professors and students in a specific area)
- Company staff (co-located team at the University)
- IP issues need to be addressed through a research agreement
CA Technologies Development Spain, SAU WTC Almeda Park Placa de la Pau, s/n - Building 2 - Floor 4, 08940 Cornellà de Llobregat (Barcelona), Spain, Dorica Munell