

Early customer integration into the product development is a proven success factor. However, current approaches of user inclusion is reduced to customer surveys or product testing as single inputs alongside the product development process, whereas the systematic integration of current or future customers in the sense of co-creation during the whole product development process is left out.


Systematically combining the huge creative potential of students in mechanical engineering with the strong product development process of industrial companies.

  • Create a new form of innovation projects with a clearly defined development process, which allows integrating students into product development activities of companies.
  • Integrate this approach as practical course into the curriculum of universities.
  • Develop a detailed strategy, which allows transferring this approach to other universities and disciplines.
  • For industrial companies: Mock-ups representing innovative product concepts designed by students
  • For students: Huge knowledge gain in the field of practical product development
  • For universities: Serving a Live-Lab for researching new processes and methods within the field of product development
  • Other Stakeholders: Guidelines/blueprints how to implement (adapted) co-creation aspects